Our high technology in manufacturing tools and jigs guarantees excellent product quality.
Installation of latest manufacturing machines to increase automation and precision have saved labor,
equalized product quality and increased cost-effectiveness.

Our technology supports leading companies’ trusts.
Major Services
●サーバ向け部品 精密プレス加工
●複写機・プリンター部品 精密プレス加工
●カラー液晶部品 精密プレス加工
●ルーター用シールド板金 精密プレス加工
Stamping Section
・ Precise stamping for server components
・ Precise stamping for copy machines and printers
・ Precise stamping for color LCD parts
・ Sheet metal precise stamping for router shields
Sheet Metal Section
・ Sheet metal pressing for telecommunication devices and server chassis
・ Sheet metal pressing for teller machine parts
Assembly Section
・ Copy machines and printers assembly
・ Telecommunication devices, server components and server chassis assembly
・ Color LCD and BEZEL parts assembly